RoadKill Productions
As a member of Billerica’s Local Access Television (BATV)
I join and enjoy this electronic public forum for
free and equitable expression.
BATV is a public makerspace with studios and editing suites to create professional grade audio and visual content. It is a democratic platform to educate and share; to cablecast and archive government meetings.
Click the buttons below to view video projects by
RoadKill Productions, and to listen to a podcast featuring
Marlies Henderson.

(video above) We hiked the Middlesex Fells Reservation trails and heard the sound of an angry bee colony – which turned out to be a drone. Kind drone owner granted our request to film us as the drone flew up!
(above video) Thoreau’s Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers in hand, researching the location of his Concord launch site, to deduce the location of the first overnight in Billerica. Research for a Thoreauvian novelty, as published in the Fall 2018 Thoreau Society Bulletin, edition 303.
(above video) Spelunking expedition from Mystic River, up Malden River and back.
... Why "RoadKill" ?
My brand is “outdoors exploration” - and a Davy Crockett hat symbolizes that.
Local entrepreneur Pamela Paquin featured in the Boston Dig promoting her “Accidental Fur” or “Ethical Fur” – euphemisms for roadkill; rather than leaving pelts to rot and degrade, Pamela certifies roadkill through State Fish & Game authorities.
She processes the salvaged pelts and uses them to create accessories like hats and mittens;
turning roadkill into fashion.
In 2014, a handsome raccoon did
not survive crossing Highway 30,
near Newfane, VT. His gorgeous pelt
still keeps me warm,
and my brand cool.